Upcoming Events

Ongoing Training and Recurring Events

  • Foster/Adoptive Parent training

    September 1, 2022 6:00 PM


    CAP office - 176 Anderson Ave Suite F202, Rochester, NY

    Training for foster and adoptive parents is held for 10 weeks, every Thursday from September 1 to November 3, 2022, 6:00-9:00 PM. It is free to all CAP families, and is open to any other foster family for a fee - contact CAP for details. Note: You may not join mid-session. Once the class session has begun, we ask that you wait to join the next class cycle. Anyone interested should contact Toni Marrocco-Helwig at [email protected] or (585) 232-5110.

  • Trauma-Informed Parent Training - "Who Is Here for Me?"

    May 11, 2022 6:00 PM


    virtual meeting on zoom - contact Toni for link

    This training provides the concrete base needed by foster and adoptive families to meet the needs of children and youth who have experienced trauma that has led to moderate to serious emotional and behavioral health challenges. Trauma training aims to teach parents about how trauma effects the cognitive and emotional development of the brain, helping them to be more accepting of the child. It gives them skills and knowledge to adapt their parenting styles to the child’s needs, rather than focusing only on the child’s behaviors. This helps parents form a safe, enduring relationship with the child. The training also builds self-awareness in the parents, teaching them to reflect on their own feelings and reactions, and to draw on their support system during challenges. Wednesdays, May 11, 18, and 25, 2022, 6:00 to 8:30 pm. Training is free for families already working with CAP, and available for a fee to other families. Anyone interested should contact Toni Marrocco-Helwig at [email protected] or (585) 232-5110.

  • "Deciding Together" training

    April 14, 2020 12:00 AM


    virtual meetings on Zoom - contact Toni for link

    Starting in April 2020, in response to the even more urgent need for foster and adoptive parents due to the coronavirus pandemic, Children Awaiting Parents (CAP) has adjusted its upcoming parent training to offer “Deciding Together” (DT), a highly personalized, trauma-informed family preparation and selection program. These classes help prospective parents make an informed decision to pursue foster parenting or adoption. Families who sign up will be assigned to a trainer and WILL SCHEDULE MUTUALLY CONVENIENT TIMES VIA VIRTUAL CLASSES with their trainer. Classes are comprised of seven weekly 2-hour consultations to make a mutual decision about a family’s readiness to become a foster or adoptive family. Together, the trainer and the family will assess strengths and needs to foster, adopt, or both. Anyone with questions or interest in registering for this free training should contact Toni Marrocco-Helwig at [email protected] or (585) 232-5110.