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Meet the Rossi/Drayn Family

Meet the Rossi/Drayn Family

Renee Rossi and Trevor Drayn recently adopted their two sons, Trevor, Jr. and Terrence. Renee was happy to share their story.

Q: When and what prompted you and Trevor to take the step toward adoption?

A: We decided to look into adoption after finding out I was not able to have biological children. We prayed on it and contacted CAP in the fall of 2017.

Q: What made you decide to adopt from foster care?

A: We started our research on adoption, and after seeing the amount of children in the foster care system waiting for their forever homes, our decision was made! The numbers were alarming and we knew in our hearts that’s where we needed to adopt from.

Q: What was the process you went through with CAP and Veronica?

A: We contacted CAP and were immediately taken in by Veronica. She was never more than a phone call away through our entire process. She was readily available for any questions/concerns that came up during our journey to adoption. CAP was so knowledgeable and supportive for us through our process.

Q: Tell us about Trevor Jr. and Terrence!

A: Trevor, Jr. and Terrence are true blessings. Both boys are extremely intelligent and have hearts of gold. They are brave, beautiful boys. We feel blessed beyond measure with both of them. They are happy-go-lucky boys that are involved in all boy things..trucks, nerf guns, and technology. You very rarely hear them not laughing!

Q: What were the biggest surprises and/or hurdles you've encountered since adopting?

A: I think the only small hurdle we faced was with earning Trevor Jr’s trust. Both boys had been in a few foster homes, and it took time to settle his heart and mind that we weren’t going anywhere, and neither was he. CAP provided many resources for our family, and Trevor Jr is doing amazing! He truly enjoyed working with all the wonderful staff from CAP.

Q: What would you say to parents considering adopting from foster care?

A: We would tell anyone looking to adopt from foster care that it will, without a doubt, be a rather difficult journey, but undoubtedly the best thing you will ever do in your life. It was almost three years from when we started our MAPP classes to the finalization of our adoption. The process can feel frustrating and difficult, but once our boys arrived home, it all made sense. They were worth the wait!! There were days we were running out of hope waiting for a match, but Veronica stood by us and reassured us that we would find our family, and we did. We are thankful for CAP, Veronica, and our beautiful boys.