Name: Yusuf

Case Number: 3186

Date of Birth: 2010

Gender: Boy

State: Texas

Additional Information: Yusuf is a very outgoing and happy young man. He is kind and very loving. He enjoys going to school and making new friends. Yusuf is incredibly smart and he retains information quickly and loves learning new things. When he grows up, Yusuf would like to be a Law Enforcement Officer and study Criminal Justice in school. He likes to draw, write, play video games and enjoys playing board games. Yusuf loves creating his own comic books and superheroes. His favorite cartoon is SpongeBob, but he also likes to watch funny YouTube videos. Some of his favorite toys are Nerf guns and he enjoys collecting Pokémon cards. He prefers to be indoors, but absolutely loves swimming. Yusuf jokes about eating being one of his favorite activities. His favorite meal is a cheeseburger and French fries.