Name: Sienna

Case Number: 3200

Date of Birth: 2006

Gender: Girl

State: New York

Additional Information: When a song comes on the radio that Sienna likes, she sings along, and she knows all the lyrics of hundreds of songs. Singing is one thing that Sienna loves to do, and she is good at it. Music puts her in a happy place. Tween heartthrobs like Justin Beiber are her favorites, but she is also into country and rock-n-roll. Sienna loves snacks, and if you don't watch out, she will want to eat all the snacks you have to offer in a short time. She is thrilled to go to fun places and see new things. She is in her glory when she goes out and gets her hair and her nails done. When she sees her family and those she loves, she gets so excited. She expresses her happiness to the point where everyone around her knows how happy she is. "I like to be silly," she says. Sienna loves to be active outside--swimming, playing ball, taking walks--but she will also sit and watch tween TV shows on Netflix for hours. "I don't like getting up early in the morning." Sienna describes herself as a night owl and will sleep the day away if you let her, especially on lazy vacation days. If a family has pets, Sienna will be eager to pet them and spend time with them. She treats all pets kindly. Sienna loves hard and will bond quickly with someone who spends quality time with her and demonstrates love and patience. She is eager to find a forever family. She says, "I am a kind, smart, and fun person, and I can't wait to meet you!"