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3/10 2021 March, 10 2021 6:00 PM

A support group for adoptive and foster parents, the Council of Adoptive Parents meets the second Wednesdays of every other month, for 1-1/2 hours to exchange ideas and encouragement. Sometimes there are speakers or presentations, but there is always camaraderie and sharing of stories. Parents can say to one another, “You’re not alone – we’ve had the same problems as you, and we worked through them.” Nothing takes the place of a community of families to ensure a happy, successful adoptive or fostering experience.

Please join us at any meeting – no commitment required. To receive an invitation to this VIRTUAL MEETING, please contact Veronica Black

3/10 2021 March, 10 2021 6:00 PM

Virtual - please contact Veronica


Veronica Black-Turner 585-232-5110 veronica@capbook.org