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2/10 2021 February, 10 2021 5:30 PM

To move beyond trauma, a child needs to know the answer to the questions, "Who is here for me?" For children in care, trauma is the norm, not the exception.

Stacie Dailey, Licensed Master Social Worker and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional provides her knowledge and experience along with utilizing the Core Teen Curriculum to give our foster/adoptive parents a concrete base of knowledge in being trauma informed parents. This training is intended to provide foster/adoptive parents the knowledge and tools needed to successfully parent a foster/adoptive child with trauma, creating an environment of successful forever homes for children.

The training is three classes long, two hours per class. Runs Wednesdays from 5:30pm till 7:30pm January 27th thru February 10th.

2/10 2021 February, 10 2021 5:30 PM

virtual - contact Veronica for details

free to MAPP training enrollees - others contact Veronica for fee info

Veronica Black 585-232-5110 veronica@capbook.org